Any expert witness, witness or property assessor of an insured accident who deliberately provides false supporting documents, thus creating the conditions for another to practise defraudation, shall be deemed an accomplice in insurance fraud and punished as such. 保险事故的鉴定人、证明人、财产评估人故意提供虚假的证明文件,为他人诈骗提供条件的,以保险诈骗的共犯论处。
In compensating for loss of or damage to the insured property, the insurer shall deduct from the amount of compensation the salvage value of such property and the amount recovered by the insured from third parties. 保险方在赔偿保险财产的损失时,应当将损余物资的价值和投保方从第三者取得的赔偿,在保险赔偿金额中扣除。
Covers loss, destruction or damage to property insured arising out of fire, lightning and named perils. 保障由于火灾,闪电和指定的风险,而引起的损失,破坏和损害。
In the case of property damage, having the property insured for damage assures that the property will be repaired and returned to use-so the people and businesses associated with it can resume economic activity-which has broad public benefit. 如果发生财产损失,财产损失保险就可以保证其得到维修并重新投入使用&因此相关的人员和企业就能恢复其经济活动,从而惠及广泛的公众利益。
In insurance on goods or merchandise, the insurable value is the prime cost of the property insured, plus the expenses of and incidental to shipping and the charges of insurance upon the whole; 在货物或商品保险中,保险价值是该保险财产的成本价格,加上海运费和与海运有关的费用,及全部海运过程中的保险费用。
The representative of the Company shall at any suitable time be entitled to attend the site and inspect or examine the risk of the property insured. 本公司的代表有权在任何适当的时候对保险财产的风险情况进行现场查验。
Generali China Insurance Company Limited provides a broad array of property and casualty products to businesses and individuals. The products are insured for product liability and sell well both at home and abroad. 中意财险将向企业和个人提供一系列财产保险,责任保险,意外伤害保险和短期健康保险产品。产品由中国人民保险公司承保,实行质量责任保险,畅销国内外市场。
It is calculated at so much percent or per mill on the value of the property to be insured. 它是根据要保险的财产价值的百分比或千分比来计算的。
Itemize your property damage and, for each item, state the amount or attach an itemized bill or estimate. The property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the Schedule of this Policy. 详细说明您的财产损失,并逐项列明财产、金额或附上一份详细说明的清单或估价。保险财产指在本保险单明细表中列明的财产及费用。
Loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses caused by intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representative; 被保险人及其代表的故意行为或重大过失引起的任何损失和费用;
"If the sound market value of the damaged property is lower than the sum insured of such property, the claim shall be settled on its market value;" 市价低于保险金额时,赔偿按市价计算
In contrast, as many as four-fifths of property owners in Florida are insured against high winds and hurricanes. 相反,佛罗里达有五分之四业主购买了疾风和飓风险。
The property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the schedule of this policy. 保险财产指在本保险单明细表中列明的财产及费用。
The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover, the range of property insured, the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium, etc. 预约保险合同应当订明预约的保险责任范围、保险财产范围、每一保险或一地点的最高保险金额、保险费结算办法等。
The property insured comprises goods and stock and or cash. 保险的财产由货物和存货或现金组成。
In property insurance, compensation liability means when the insurer and the insured sign the insurance contract the insured transmit specific risk to the insurer. 保险赔偿责任是指在财产保险中被保险人与保险人签订保险合同,将特定的风险转由保险人承担。
The interests of property insurance only need to belong to the insured, whether having it is not important to the insurer. 财产保险利益仅需存在于被保险人,投保人是否享有无关紧要;
When a property insurance contract is executed, the insurable interest is not a must while it has to be presented on the occurrence of the accident insured. 在财产保险中,在订立保险合同时对保险标的是否具有可保利益并不十分重要,但是在保险事故发生时,被保险人对保险标的必须具有可保利益;
Its object is the concrete property or the insured. 其对应的客体是具体的财产或被保险人;
Through the analysis of Article 12 ( 2) of Insurance Law of P.R.C, the author hold that in case of property insurance, the insured should have insurable interest when the insurance accident take place; 通过对我国《保险法》第12条第2款的分析,笔者认为:在财产保险中,只要求被保险人在保险事故发生时对保险标的具有保险利益即可;
Chinese law prescribes that the property insurable interest restricts on the insured on the occurrence of the insurance accident instead of the insurant. 3. 我国财产保险利益是对被保险人或投保人在保险事故发生时的要求,对投保人不做要求。
In addition, because of the particularity of the property insurance the insured incline to choose the property insurance company with good performance and highe prestige. 另外,由于财产保险的特殊性,投保人在购买财产保险产品时,倾向于选择经营绩效较好、信誉较高的财产保险公司的产品,对产品本身的考察倒在其次。
Relative to life insurance companies, property insurance companies a broader subject matter insured, liquidity, facing greater risk. 相对于寿险公司,财产保险公司的保险标的更广,资金流动性更高,面临的风险也更大。
The subject of insurable interest in property insurance is the insurant, while in life insurance it is the insured person. 可保利益的主体在财产保险中是被保险人;在人身保险中是投保人。
So looking for the performance evaluation of property insurance company through financial information benefit the insured. 故寻找通过公开的财务信息对财产保险公司经营绩效进行评估,甄别出绩效较好和绩效较差的公司,有利于投保人进行投保决策,保障投保人的利益。